Saturday, 11 February 2012

to goethe...

building side, dhanmondi, dhaka, feb 2012
man with basket, dhanmondi, dhaka, feb 2012

building guys, dhanmondi, dhaka, feb 2012
goethe institut, dhanmondi, dhaka, feb 2012

just one thing, i never really understood the goethe institut. never. what are they doing? yes  they have talks, public events. maybe a library. in moscow there where in the middle of nowhere and very empty.

but i am sure they are doing things. i know now. i talked with judith, the director if the goethe institut in dhaka. i know now a lot. but one things is important.

goethe insitut in dhaka has two cafes. they own a building. so they have space. in this cafe a lot of young people hang around. they drink coffee, tea, chat. the girls are smoking. girls and guys can sit together.

judith says she knows the young people are not just coming here because of the goethe institut. very unlikely. say come here because of themselves.

in dhaka there are not that many cafes, where u can meet up. the other possibility are parks, or in front of the parliament. not that many.

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