Tuesday, 6 March 2012

everything but not feminism

woman, university, park, dhaka, 21st feb. 2012
i am specific with my clothes. they are very casual. i do not have a lot, but i am very precise. i know what i want. and i search. and i do not wear everything. like i eat.

woman and clothes. does not matter which clothes you like i understand. it is important. for identity, for wellbeeing, for presentation.

clothes in bangladesh. i went one time shopping. to a big chain. perfect for me. no barbaining, possibility to try clothes. no disturbance.  i went first to the woman section.

women are dressing very feminine in bangladesh, at least what i see. a lot of patterns, strong colours. when i see the girls, woman in their sharees, in their shalwar kameez, a kind of pujiama dress, originally came from pakistan, they look amazing, astonishing. the patterns very suitable, the texture and shape of the clothes perfect. i tried one and i gave up. it looked very sad. and thats ok.

by the way: after that i went over to the guys clothes.

me: can i have the shirts in in one size smaller?
seller: ywas of course..

me: i wanna try it
seller stumbling: yes, you will wear it
me: yes

after that i wanted to get changed in the mens' dressing room. i tried to explain, that i like mens' clothes, that in bangladesh the guys are actually my size in width and length, and that bangaldeshi textures are amazing. still, i guess this made him a bit confused and his little world was a tiny bit shaked.

girl, old market, dhaka, feb 2012

beginning, working in drik.

people in Europe are very concerned about people in bangladesh working for too less money. Some groups try to ban it. 

Shutopa looked surprised.

‘yes it is like hat. almost all of my clothes are from bangladesh. because I cannot afford other clothes. or better say I have a good-looking option to choose cheaper clothes.

shutopa still looked. i had the idea to help her with a business. because she was unemployed, could not find a job, was good in textiles, materials, and clothes, studied business. So I suggested an idea to her.

she is still thinking.

not sure if she still thinks about garment industry women are earning too less.
shahedin, parliament, dhaka, feb 2012
woman, dhanmondie lake, dhaka, feb. 2012

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