Saturday, 30 June 2012

foodball in a not so good way ...

car, parking lot, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

car2, parking lot, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

football- in a good way

sink2, max's home, koetzting, june 2012
the last time i was watching football was a while ago. i think 2010. argentina against germany. amazing game. i was actually working, but my bosses were great. 2 hours break instead of one. does not happen so often but it today it did.

we were meeting in a pub, had to cycle there. with a friend and her boyfriend. saturday afternoon.  a lot of young guys which have everything else but world cup experience against old rabbits.

and they played them down. 4:1. the argentina just looked, stunned. no word for this outstanding performance of this guys who are so well presenting not just football but germany. multicultural, fresh, ernergetic, self confident.

table, max's home, koetzting, june 2012
since then no ral tv football for me. not the biggest fan of national league. but still i was proud. when i was in bangaldesh, looking at the young guys playing football on the dirty dry fiels next to all teh cricket player, wearing shirts from messi and chelsea. praised the gmaes ability, to move minds, stomach and spirit.

football, max's home, koetzting, june 2012
today we watch germany against max's house. on the coach with juiceschorle and some beer. willi came later. relaxed. no screaming so much. chatting, watching.

it took me a while to get into the game. football is not complicated plus i have experience. from earlier time. still it took me a while to get into the game, knowing when they do the right move, make mistakes, are smart.

At the beginning I was quiet, shy, cause what would I have to say, could say. And that's ok, just boring, for me.  Than I asked, looked, thought. At the end I actually screamed at least, shouted at the right points, not always but I did ok.

Germany won this time. Not the best performance but they did.

beer and glass and knife, max's home, koetzting, june 2012


dad and daughter, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

pylaing, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

view, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

view2, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

picknick area, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

coast, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

chilling, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012

walking, drachensee, furth im wald, june 2012


fotografer, wagner foto studio, furth im wald, june 2012
ok here two things. one: i love agner foto stduio in furth im wald.

they are amazing. this little foto store in a medium size ( for our area) city half an hour away by car is not just amazing, they are my angels.

they not just organise everything for me, have a fast delivery service and a good printing stations, they have an excellent service, have an medium format film processor, which they switch on that when i come they just can start using it, answer all my annoying phone calls, get me impossible things, and above all talk with me about all the important and unimportant things in life even so far too many people are around.

and that for an amazing prize, in a medium sze village, in the bavarian forest. amzing

second: a bit of gossip. today when i went there, handed in my films had to wait i saw this girl. she was 10, pritty, quite tall and her hair reached plated her knees, plated.
she never cut her hair, her mom says. but a lot of work behind. the girl did not mind. i was impressed, and jelouse.

in india and bangladesh long hair used to be a good sign. so far i know. women get proud. question of status. i need to do research.

long hair, fotostudio, futh im wald, june 2012

vereinsausflug- community outing weekend

music, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
first of all you have to explain a lot. such as community clubs. a group of people are founding a club to do something together in a group on a regular basis which is so well organised that you need somebody at least for finance, a head of the whole this and a speaker. i think. why money i actualldo not know.

the good thing about those clubs, you do not need to pay taxes if you have a celebration in public and also earn some money with that. not important for the story but just spoil my knowledge.

community clubs are important.

ans then outing days. outing days are days where you leave your home and visit more or less a strange area, plus paying money that both of it leads to fund.

hilde, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
this weekend we needed to provide that for those people. a group of fireman, volunteer fireman plus friends and family, for a weekend in the bavarian forest to have fun.

fun is eating, looking, a bit of walking, chatting, eating more.

lids, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
last time and probably one of the only times in my life i had it when i was in bangladesh with drik on our weekend at cox's basar. collegues and me in two buses 12 hours on stony jumpy street towards the beach. playing football and sea and water. and above all food. we even got a prelist of food which we would have there.

eating, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
meat, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
one of the first times i went on a trip was with the table tennis club. by the way and you need to know: my dad is table tennis president. not that it is important but i was always very proud of it. in a village of 3500 people.

anyways me on a trip with other kids. two memories. one of unconscious and to late recognised stealing of two magazines ( which were really fancy, liked their layout) from a church and one of intended rumbling around the big mountain, getting lost with my parents and friends and ending up on top of the mountain. and being tired.

salat, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
no meat, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
nowadays this activity seems to be old fashion. going away with a big group of people i might like and not and spend my hard earned freetime with not the best selection seems to be out of fashion. community clubs in the first place are not anymore so fashionable. meeting up in groups and call it 'vereine' is anyway superuncool. i understand and not. i like the idea of vereine, meeting up with people from different background and doing something together, being forced meeting up on a regular basis and acting instead of thinking. awesome. but just my second person would take part. me do not have time.

the people stayed for two nights. first evening 4 different kind of meat, dumbling and salat buffet. second free choice. they had music, they danced. had fun, got to know each other better, hopefully, did something together and acted instead of talking, maybe not just.

i was a bit jelouse. as a self employed person you can just get to know yourself. on holiday alone and no pair dance anyways.

new day, saal, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012

a park in the lake

towels, seepark, arrach, june 2012

view, seepark, arrach, june 2012

view2, seepark, arrach, june 2012

kids with parents, seepark, arrach, june 2012

road, seepark, arrach, june 2012

kids, seepark, arrach, june 2012

sculptures, seepark, arrach, june 2012

Friday, 22 June 2012

summer days

trees, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

grass, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

way to the swimming pool, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

pool, swimming pool, lam, june 2012

slide, swimming pool, lam, june 2012

machine, swimming pool, lam, june 2012

kisok, swimming pool, lam, june 2012

old sporthall, lam, june 2012

new sporthall, lam, germany june 2012

bergwacht house, lam, juen 2012

tree2, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

bench, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

view, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

gate, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

way, kirchenbuckel, lam, june 2012

parking lot, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012

home cooking

kitchen, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
my parents are chefs. they cook. that is what they learned. mostly meat, at least my dad. my mum more vegetables, but not just.

they got to know each other when they were having their chef training somewhere in bavaria. i thin tegenersee. she dietassitant, he chief.

kitchen2, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012
now they are not cooking together. he on the normal days, she sometimes.

my dad is excellent with meat, as i said. starting of a s a butchert raining with 14 years he developed not just a strength but sense for meat. 

i can remember. most of the time being younger i spend in the kitchen. because it was the center of our house, because it was the warmest. i used to read there, novels, learn everything and nothing about cameras. and in between watched my parents cooking. my dad who had on and off huge flames in the kitchen, appearing and disappearing without any scream, him talking about the importance of the bubble for scrumble eggs and the right kind of fat for making potatos in the pan as cross and tasty as they are.

i always watched. the first time i made pasta by myself was when i was long over 20. still cooking now is a very rare occasion. but i love to think about food, and talk, and why one things works and not.

guess if i got something form my family than the interest for food.

today it was the day for having a buffet. mum's day.  this is what i love about food. think creatively about food. same same but different. fine tast not over spiced. fresh and divers. and all in a day.

it is a bit of a success, concept and development. i am a bit proud.

kitchen3, kirchenwirt, lam, june 2012