Friday, 22 June 2012


circus1, suburb, close to Regensburg, June 2012
circuses are not any more really in fashion. animals showing off trained by a dompteur and clowns which are actually more embarrassing than funny and maybe some acrobats  are climbing on top off and turning around strings.
but this is just what i think. 

circus2, suburb, close to Regensburg, June 2012
originated in old rome for entertaining the masses the circuses nowdays are apparently anyway not anymore what we think. nowadays they try to combine theater with acrobatic.

this happens mainly in engalnd, france, spain.

a friend of mine is an acrobat, a juggler. taught in switzerland and traveling around in a bus with his wife he  always told me about the big differences.

he did not like circus de sole. the only circus i knew. he did not like it because it was too commercial, not what he wanted which was more based on expression, working with the body.

 saw a show of him. suddenly the idea of throwing some sticks in the air and in between scaring with sme scarey stunts with fire and spins and turnovers changed into a bubble of a dream. lightstreams, movement which are flowing into each other and responding to teh music, driving them on and off.

i actually ave no clue what i am talking about. honestly. but it really kept me in the show. my mind not wandering but rather diving and then flowing away. i like it.

one way of making circus.

circus3, suburb, close to Regensburg, June 2012
the traditional circus is still quite hip in some countries, russia for example. in moscow there are still some of them not even moving from their spot. one of the usual thing you do on the weekend. i would say. they are all about animals, funny clowns and amazing acrobats.

and that is ok. i do not say it is stupid. when i was there i thought it was kind of romantic, sweet and thought of going there. because of the memory. but still why am i not going there because i like it?

maybe a lack of what my friend had? some kind of deeper interest, more explorative or finding away to connect to me and my head rather than ideas and associations i have, taking me awa form any traditions.

circus4, suburb, close to Regensburg, June 2012

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