Friday, 13 April 2012

abwarten und tee trinken...

grrinder, tea stall, old delhi, delhi, april 2012

I come here every day. At the beginning it was by coincident. And I complained. Complained so well that they gave me the tea for a cheaper prize. Much later they still gave me the cheaper prize even though I knew it was indeed the real one they told me.

It was not that much money. ridiculous less. 1 rupees but you are proud, of you achievement in bargaining.

boel, tea stall, old delhi, delhi, april 2012
Bargaining is not a western concept. In the west you have fixed prized. That’s it. The value of an item determined by the seller. The buyer maybe over a couple of steps involved within that. The prize evaluates something, gives it value. Higher prize higher value.

Bargaining describes more space. There is a price just a starting point. The end point determined by the seller and the buyer. Thereby the value depends on a numerous factors, appearance, common value, personal interest and personal ability such as communication skills, determination and pretentiousness.

poster, old delhi, delhi, april 2012
man, tea stall, old delhi, delhi, april 2012
I do not buy often something. Actually hardly. Not because above, not because I do not like anything. Just cause I am not a buyer. I don’t get super excited and suddenly this activist overcomes my life. Also I do not have space. Already my luggage is too heavy.

Anyway last time I bought in the main bazar in new delhi, the tourist spot and apparently most dangerous and greedy lace of delhi shows. Sandals. I wanted to have them since 5 years. But none of my indian girls brought them to me. So I bought them.

We talked, we smiled, we fought. I almost wanted to go. He held me back. Some more negotiation. After half an hour  he smiled, I smiled, we shacked hands. I am sure he thought like me that we both made a good deal.

mads, tea stall, old delhi, delhi, april 2012
The tea the guy makes is great and adventurous. First milk then water, some tea leaves, then grinding some spice balls, ginger, and then shake it and shake it and it heats up and more. And more. You definitely have to wait. 10 minutes. Worth while. Even the 1 rupee more. 

phonestore, tea stall, old delhi, delhi, april 2012

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