Friday, 20 April 2012

sometimes you forget..

legs, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012

There are these little moments, banal, which you forget within all those so much more apparently important issues, getting covered and totally forgotten. just cause they do not seem important enough.

I love those moments, but then I do forget, because above stated.

Like I love train rides. You sit there, for hours, you cannot do anything than getting stuck with work, with reading, with thoughts. You get some food, along the way, people even bring I to you and you just stop them by screaming at them. Sometimes yes you have too much people around you, but most of the time, depending on your reservation you get enough space and you can choose. Most of them time, can talk, do not have to talk. And within these random encounters of people  sometimes you take something with you, or you give. Like the Japanese origami folding, the encouragement for photography and the moment of agreed enjoyment of a companionship.

landscape, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012
landscape, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012
landscape, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012

We started to talk. i did not want to, actually, I wanted to finished my book, but something got me stuck within the conversation. The girl next to me started the conversation, just a bit. But there was something she said, which was more interesting than my book.

I know we talked about architecture, a bit, about the woman and the misunderstanding with the ticket. She talked about living at home, about man and about the seating arrangements of woman departments.

It is about harassment. She said. There were too many incidences of guys touching legs, arms etc. of women, next, behind, everywhere. That’s why. So the women feel in women departments much more secure.

I said I would complain.

women don’t do that here. She said.

train guy, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012

People push the boundaries till somebody stops them. If there is nobody to stop them it cannot be broken. In order to make them stop, to scare them, you need to step up, point out. hard business. trying and at the end of the day too much other things to do.

And it kind of works up till now. You have your women departments in trains and metros. To improve something which just works ok but you still improve it you need a lot of contentness.

view, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012
view, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012
view, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012

Just one story more: the ticket guy in the train was huge. I was not aware at the beginning but he was amazingly huge. I don’t know what it was, maybe he was sitting, and I did not look properly but just right at the end of our journey, when he stood up from the chair, I realized how tall he was. I was impressed. Probably he is as much as me about him a lot of people impressed abut me and my smallness. Probably he is as much me annoyed about that.

my legs, train between pune and mumbai, 17th april 2012

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