Friday, 20 April 2012


sign on wall, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012


noun \ˌjen-trə-fə-ˈkā-shən\


: the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents


house, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
clothes, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
sign, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012

In reality means. People with a certain income live somewhere, people with another income come. These people have mostly a bit more money, a bit different lifestyle, a bit different appareance. First they are a few brave one, then more less brave ones. The landlords a re happy cause the less brave ones pay more money. shops are opening, shops for the new one who different interest. So there is need and need brings money. than the people who are living here are still here, but not long anymore, cause to high prizes, to different people, too many changes. Usually these people have to move to cheaper areas. Outwards.

A chain reaction

girl, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
sign2, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
backyward, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012

I was one of them. The peopel who came into an area who was cheap and save enough to live, save enough for the less brave one. it was in Brooklyn. In ford green. I was living in an street which was between old and new Brooklyn. On the one hand old tradition brookyliner lived, there, old trashy delhi stores, and cheap laundry washing. On the other fancy cafes and little arti farti stores. I moved there because of friend, good prize, feels very homi and combines both interest, seeing old and enjoying new brookylin life. 

entrance, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
gatekeeper, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
shop, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
play, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
I was one of them. The people who came into an area who was cheap and save enough to live, save enough for the less brave one. it was in Brooklyn. In ford green. I was living in an street which was between old and new Brooklyn. On the one hand old tradition brookyliner lived, there, old trashy delhi stores, and cheap laundry washing. On the other fancy cafes and little arti farti stores. I moved there because of friend, good prize, feels very homi and combines both interest, seeing old and enjoying new brookylin life. 

sitting, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
clothes, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
man, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012

The coachsurfers I was living with are also part of the gentrification of this area. They are not as rich as some people, but they are more rich than some people live here.

sign4, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
plant, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
 Laila tells me that is usual. Lot of places like that in India. Different classes mixing. At the moment say are sharing spaces. I am wondering how the area looks like in 5 years.

cantine, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012
college building, model colony, pune, 17th april 2012

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